In its almost 40 years of operation, many people have joined hands with HOPE and given support in many different ways. We want to extend a big, warm ‘Thank you’ to all friends of HOPE: donor partners, Government officials, resource persons, volunteers, NGOs, sister organizations and well wishers.
Sponsors & Supporters
- Brahma Builders for funding H.O.P.E.’s day care center for the children of migrant workers since its launch in 2007
- MISEREOR, weltkirche-desk1, Helpage Itay for their project support to reach out.
- Jesus Youth Group for sponsoring the education of so many children.
- Sr. Lucy Kurien from MAHER for accepting and helping many of H.O.P.E.’s emergency cases
- Provincial Sr. Bromadine Pallokaran for her constant support.
- All our friends both Indian and other countries for their constant support.
- Brothers from SVD Divine World Seminary, Jesuit brothers, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (JVD), Norbertines brothers, Holy Spirit brothers and Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales (MSFS) for giving their continued voluntary service
Connected NGOs
HOPE keeps close relations to national and local organizations with a similar scope of work in order to share knowledge, exchange information and to support each other. Here are some of the organisations ans NGOs HOPE is connected with: